[WriteLog] WriteLog - How to set Bands?

George Johnson w1zt at comcast.net
Wed Nov 10 14:04:54 EST 2004

Hi Jerry,
I just reproduced what you are seeing.  My prior comments answer a 
different question and you are seeing one of the anomalies I keep stumbling 
into also.

 From my prior experience, you are seeing something unique to the SS 
contest.  My setup shows the same thing.  We can enter a freq and cause the 
WL program to DUPE on that "frequency" which, in SS, means ANY BAND.  It is 
somewhat like the problem reported earlier (and after every SS) about the 
packet window not showing specific bands.  They don't apply to SS so WL 
behaves differently in SS.

If you try another contest, like CQWW CW, you will see the different bands 
listed using the same procedure you noted.  That is because we dupe 
separately on each of those bands.  It will not include the WARC bands 
because those bands are not part of the contest.  You can also try the DXCC 
Tracking as a "contest" and see that the band list now includes the WARC 
bands.  These lists seem to be a function of the contest selected and this 
is somewhat obscurely mentioned in the help file accessed from that same 

So you are correct, you can manually drive the log to a frequency but the 
contest module frequency band list does not change or remember your entry.

For your other question on the subBands selection, that function seems to 
only apply to the band map but I recall forcing entries (subBands) into 
that band list when I was trying to get our Field Day logs to recognize 2m 
CW and FM properly.  I ended up with an entry in my Writelog.ini file:


That file was one I made up in the Edit Sub Bands program to include CW on 
2m and FM on 6m.  Those "bands" then appeared in the list you get with the 
Bands / Show Bands list.

Hope this helps and I need to write this down in my FD stuff for next year 
to make sure I remember it...
73, George .. W1ZT

At 12:27 PM 11/10/2004, k6iii at juno.com wrote:

>Thanks for your two reply emails.
>Boy, I am almost there, but not quite.
>I've read the WL Help on Editing Subbands.
>1) I see the USA_Extra.subBands file in my Writelog/Programs directory.
>2) I also see the program "Edit Subbands" in my Windows/Programs/WriteLog 
>path and I can run this OK.
>3) I can also see in the WriteLog program, under the menu Bands, the items 
>"Set Up Bands..." and "Show Bands..."
>Here is what I am seeing...
>If I Show Bands (using WL Bands/Show Bands...) I see "1800 khz to 29700 khz"
>If I poke the WL "Radio" in the bottom Left Hand corner, I get a pop-up 
>window that has only 1800 in the "Select Frequency" set. This set needs to 
>be populated with all the USA_EXTRA sub band info. I can manually populate 
>that list, and Show it has been populated, however, the next time I run 
>WL, the set returns to 1800 (only). Apparently this is the default set.
>SO... I think the issue is How to direct WL to use the USA_Extra.subbands 
>I hope this explanation makes sense and you can clarify a bit more.
>Thank you,
>San Jose, CA

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