[WriteLog] Special Wish List Request

Eric Hilding dx35 at hilding.com
Mon Nov 15 18:07:57 EST 2004

Jim, VE7FO commented:

 > I do understand that what you provided is only an example and that, for
 > your purposes, it would be desireable to have the message memory size
 > expanded.  In particular, you want the .w(av) file names to be long
 > enough to make it obvious what the content is.  You might even want to
 > tag each filename with the op who recorded it.  e.g. CQK6VVA.w,
 > CQVE7FO.w or, CQVVA.w, CQFO.w or whatever shortened monikers make sense
 > at the time.  I'm just trying to suggest that 136 chars may not be 

You are very perceptive, Jim.  This was an extreme example, and actually 
your idea of tagging the op who recorded the file is something I hadn't 
considered.  With more and more Multi & "Guest Op" stuff going on, this is 
now even more important.

Thankfully Wayne enhanced WL to provide for a lot of the nifty capabilities 
(sorry I was such a Pest about this in the past but really believed in the 
need).  My recommendation just takes things to the next level of future 
possible uses thereof.

FYI, if I shortened a spacer file name from spc5.wav to s5.wav, I believe 
what would happen is that if S55AAA were entered into the callwindow, what 
would play would be:


You might try it :-)

But even with less than 82 characters being used, it is simply a royal 
pain-in-the-butt to not be able to see more of what's in the field.  The 
current dialog box was sufficient for most CW messages, but we are in a new 
dimension now with the expanded SSB message capabilities.

Tnx & 73...

Rick, K6VVA

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