[WriteLog] a anomaly I've never been able to solve

FireBrick w9ol at billnjudy.com
Sat Oct 16 09:12:38 EDT 2004

I've read the help files and tried various changes but I've never been able to get the 
cursor to move to the correct logging field AND STAY THERE.

I usually just do S&P so I click on a callsign & call him, he comes back to me with a 
report, the cursor has jumped to the 599 field in the logging window.
When I send my report, the cursor now jumps to the Country window.

What parameter should be set so the cursor goes to the field that REALLY needs to be 

In JARTS, it's the AGE field, I don't need the cursor in the 599 (rarely do you get a 
different rst)
and I don't need the cursor in the Country field, WL already entered that.

And if the station asks for a repeat...then the cursors jumps somewhere else but not to 
the one field I need it to go to for easy entry.

I know I have something set wrong but have not been able to find it.

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Bill H. in Chicagoland

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