[WriteLog] Do I need to upgrade from 10.49D?

Bill O'Mara, W4RM W4RM at COMCAST.Net
Sat Oct 16 11:03:10 EDT 2004

	I am preparing for the upcoming contest season and all four of
the station computers have been upgraded and tested using 10.49D.  I now
see a later version of Writelog 10.50.  I am not sure of what has been
upgraded in 10.50 and I trying to determine if I need to upgrade again.
I plan to run the at least for the next 2-3 month with 10.49D operating
SSB, CW and RTTY contests. 

If the 10.49D software has some big bug in any of these three modes
please let me know, if not I just go with 10.49D.

Thanks Bill W4RM

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