[WriteLog] FW: Writelog RTTY

Roger Hackler (KN6RO) KN6RO at mindspring.com
Thu Sep 23 23:16:36 EDT 2004

Can someone please try and help my friend Dave, KE4UW out?  I'm out of town
and just trying to get him pointed in the right direction.  Please reply
direct to him at mossdj at inpo.org or Davemoss at mindspring.com.

Thanks es 73!

-----Original Message-----
From: Moss, Dave J (INPO) [mailto:MossDJ at INPO.org]
Sent: Thursday, September 23, 2004 07:48
To: Hackler, Roger; kn6ro at mindspring.com
Subject: Writelog RTTY

I'm hoping to play in the RTTY contest this weekend, but I still have not
been able to get Writelog to "see" a TNC.  The last three nights I've had
the desktop connected to the TS-950 and PK-232DSP, and the laptop connected
to the TS-2000 and KAM, and I can not get Writelog to see either TNC.  I'm
sure this is something simple, but I've done about all I can do wandering
through the menus, and I can't find anything else to try.  Reluctantly, I'm
going to conclude that for RTTY, all things considered, Writelog is a waste
of time and money and I'm ready to pitch it and find something that works.

The PK-232 works just fine with PK-term and Logic, so it's fine and the
serial port settings are fine.  The KAM works fine with a dumb terminal
program (Hyperterminal) so same there.  The problem is 100 percent with
Writelog.  I have the port settings lines in the INI file for writelog and
the correct COM port setting and TNC type in the RTTYWrite window.  Nothing
doing, times two.  What a waste of time!

See you in the contest--using PK-term and Logic, so a bit slow, but there

Dave Moss
mossdj at inpo.org

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