[WriteLog] call quest and alt+ tab

ve2lx ve2lx at sympatico.ca
Tue Dec 20 22:56:02 EST 2005

> Hello to all
> Last year on writelog sheet exemple there was those two macros
> What is the purpose of that funtion?
> How is it working?
> I tried but nothing happened...?
> how does it work
> also
> ALT + TAB CYCLES = show US/VE mults?
> Doing that here, it goes between sections that has nothing to do with W .L 
> but window instead ( with other softwares in my computer )
> how does it works and what is the purpose of that function
> Gilles    ve2lx
I would appreciate an answer direct ot my email adress...
email   ve2lx at sympatico.ca
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