[WriteLog] RTTY Help

Dean Wood n6de at comcast.net
Fri Dec 30 23:55:45 EST 2005

Hi Fred,

If I understand your situation correctly, you're trying to use COM1 to 
perform both rig control and FSK RTTY keying in Writelog through your 
Rigblaster Pro.

You cannot perform both functions on the same serial port.  You need to 
configure rig control on port A and FSK keying on port B of your 
Rigblaster Pro, and connect both these to your serial ports on your 
computer.  In Writelog's Setup Ports, select one COM port for rig 
control.  In the Rttyrite window, select the other COM port for FSK 
keying.  Do you have more than one serial port on your computer?  If you 
only have one, you'll need to connect the port for FSK keying to your 
native serial port, and use a USB-serial port converter for rig control. 
  Then you'll accordingly need to configure Writelog's Setup Ports to 
assign rig control to the new COM port created by the USB-serial converter.

You also need to make a jumper adjustment on the Rigblaster Pro for 
this.  See page 29 of the Rigblaster Pro manual and configure P16 on 
your Rigblaster Pro as per diagram #2.
http://www.westmountainradio.com/pdf/RIGblaster pro.pdf

Hope this helps.  See you in the RTTY Roundup!

-Dean - N6DE

> I've been using MMTTY as stand alone RTTY software but now trying to use the WL plug-in, using MMTTY & WL together with a Rigblaster  Pro and Icom Pro II.  In attempting to do this with the software booted up, the rig goes into transmit when I turn the power on to the Rigblaster.  Turn the power off to the Rigblaster and carrier drops.  
> Checked all cabling and looked good, connected to right locations.  Put
> Rigblaster Pro in ON position with the Pro II turned ON and emitted a carrier,
> no diddle.
> Closed WL and booted MMTTY up as a stand alone.  Turned Rigblaster ON and same
> thing happened.  Opened up options on MMTTY stand alone and changed one thing
> and that was COM 1 was not checked.  Set to Com 1 and worked perfectly.
> Closed MMTTY Stand alone and rebooted WL with MMTTY Plug-in.  Opened Options on
> MMTTY plug-in but no place to check Com 1.  Went to RTTYrite and already had COM
> 1 checked there.  Went to Ports in WL and have Com 1 checked there with Icom
> Pro2 and 9600 baud.
> CIV address is standard 64h.  CIV baud rate is 9600.  CIV Transceive ON.
> Close out all software and just bring MMTTY up by itself as stand alone software, turn power on to the Rigblaster and all is well.  Functions as intended.
> Any help would be sincerely appreciated.
> Tnx.....Fred WW4LL

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