[WriteLog] Have to ask a question - darn it.

Joseph Lutz kwz99 at adelphia.net
Sat Dec 31 16:04:13 EST 2005

Hi Bill and many others:

   Thanks for the many responses - I was remiss by answering just one - and
I want to send what was sent to Don AA5AU - :
 -- - - - - - - -
Don,  Know you are probably busy with a weekend contest - but will send this
anyway - I have had several send me email for all I have to do is:

Go to the TU type dropdown in the rtty screen.

Then simply select MMTTY towards the bottom of the list.

Well, after I click on 'Window' on the logging screen I immediately get that
error message and even after hitting OK - I cannot click on any of the
given on the Rttyrite screen - so how can I bring that up by itself - or
does the
options get set somewhere else?  As for MMTTY - I have the complete
stand-alone program in it's own directory and have installed the MMTTY
engine per instructions with WL - That comes up great - I get all the normal
presentations, etc - and can tune onto the signals, but cannot get where I
see what is printing [i.e., Rttyrite screen].  So, later on when you are not
tell me what I am missing or doing wrong.  No problem if I cannot get it
running correct by next weekend - I will just use MMTTY stand-alone [again]
as it is getting me more used to the Macros, etc.  Appreciate your response,
and have a great New Years Eve!

- - -

I have also tried to start 'new contests' but as far as I get is getting the 
screen and then I go to the next step - click on RTTY Window and I
immediately get both the MMTTY engine screen - which as I mention
above apparently like it should be - and the Rttyrite screen and then
the error statement - then is NO way I am able to access the Rttyrite
screen tool bar to set a TU.   Maybe I should delete everything and
start from page one again???

- - - - SNIP! - - - -

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