[WriteLog] Writelog and VE7CC cluster software

Dale Jackaman dalej at reboot.bc.ca
Wed Jan 19 02:58:51 EST 2005

I have also been using VE7CC's AR Cluster software and no problem with 
Writelog.  The only issue, and it's nothing to do with the VE7CC software, 
is that Writelog opens the packet terminal under the Writelog window so 
you have to minimize Writelog or hit ALT TAB to get at it.  It doesn't 
show as a running app below so this fools a lot of the operators not 
familiar with Writelog's idiosyncrasies. I wish that the Writelog terminal 
software had auto-login as well. 

I have up to four Writelog stations connecting to the VE7CC cluster 
software.  The great part is that if your node connection goes down you 
don't have to run around and reconnect Writelog's terminal software on 
every workstation. And the VE7CC software does repeated auto-connects if 
your connection is sporadic or goes down for any reason, great for modem 
or other connections that may be unreliable in a hi-RF environment.  Lots 
of other features too.  I also use it with Logic7 and anything else that 
requires a DX cluster connection including if it's just me wanting to 
check what's on the bands.  Tons of bells and whistles but makes dealing 
with packet clustes a dream instead of a chore.  And it tells you when the 
software needs updating.  Highest praise, can't think of better software - 
and it's free. 

Dale  VE7GL

Dale Jackaman
dalej at reboot.bc.ca

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