[WriteLog] K6VVA * WriteLog CW Memory Setup for NCCC NS

Eric Hilding dx35 at hilding.com
Wed Jul 6 20:12:16 EDT 2005

Always subject to change, below is what appears to be a workable WriteLog 
CW message setup for our weekly NCCC "NS" (NA Sprint Format) 
mini-contests.  Hopefully, this will be of help to some of you who haven't 
jumped in to all the fun with us yet.

This is a 100w power level event, and the NCCC NS rules only require one 
"intervening" QSO before you can work the same station on the same band 
again.  That helps things keep rolling along nicely since not everyone on 
the planet can show up on Thursday Nights.

If previously worked station calls you again (they may have worked another 
station since your QSO with them, but you haven't), simply send them an 
"NIQ" = "Need Intervening QSO" :-)

For those unfamiliar with the NA Sprint format, there are two distinctly 
different exchanges sent...depending upon whether you are in "CQ Mode" 
(someone else calls you), or "S&P" Mode (where you have called someone else).

The CQ Exchange Is:
*** His Call - Your Call - Your QSO Serial # - Your Name - Your State/Province

If you copied the other station's info OK, responding with an "R" is 
typical, and then you must QSY...to either CQ again or go hunting.

The S&P Exchange (after you receive the other station's "CQ" mode exchange) Is:
*** His Call - Your QSO Serial # - Your Name - Your State/Province - Your Call

At the end a completed QSO, you will get an "R" (or "EE", "TU") from the 
other station, and YOU "inherit" the frequency. Usually, you will have one 
or more callers waiting!!!

Our NCCC NS Rules are a bit more relaxed than the official NA Sprint Rules:

      See: http://www.nccc.cc/pdf/ns_rules.pdf

There are several awards categories (to help "Level the playing field" 
:-)  Categories are:

* East of the Mississippi River
* West of the Mississippi River (NON-NCCC Members)
* NCCC member in NV/CA

The highest scores for 8 out of the 11 "contests" in the NS series are used 
to determine the winners (who will receive a bottle of California wine - 
donated by Ken, N6RO). We have had 3 NS events.  So if you make all the 
remaining 8, YOU *could* win!!!

I've noted several of my new F-key CW Messages (below0, but most should be 
self-explanatory.  In a nutshell:

For "CQ" mode: Use the ENTER key (or F10) to send the exchange, and 
pressing a final ENTER will log the QSO and send "r".  Since I primarily 
CQ, this seemed to be the best setup at the moment :-)

For "S&P" mode:  Use F9 to send the exchange and then a manual CTRL+ENTER 
to log the QSO.

Hopefully, this will help someone...and that we will see some new folks 
tomorrow (Thursday) night, 7/7/05, at 0230 Zulu for a 1/2 hour "contest 
fix" near 14040, 7040, 3540 and 1810.

FYI & 73...

Rick, K6VVA
NCCC Co-Founding Member

K6VVA * WriteLog CW Memory Setup for NCCC NS - 7/6/05

*** Bracketed < > entries are "speed-ups" ***

*** Depending upon whether or not you "inherit" the frequency
     or must QSY, you can use "creative" combinations below

*** Remember, ALT+K opens the Send CW window!

*** Blank spaces are left after some entries for "chaining" purposes

Normal Keys
F1  = (See F11)
F2  = %C?            <-- Sends partial call plus question mark
F3  = <r>       <-- "CQ Mode" acknowledgement at end of <ENTER>'d QSO
F4  = k6vva
F5  = %1        <-- Sends QSO Number ONLY
F6  = rick
F7  = ca
F8  = <ns> k6vva
F9  = %C %1 rick <ca> <k6vva>  <-- "S&P" Mode - Must do CTRL+ENTER to Log 
QSO at end!!!
F10 = %C k6vva %1 rick <ca>    <-- "CQ" Mode  - After entering a callsign, 
<ENTER> Sends
F1&F11 = cq<ns> k6vva <ns>         His Call plus My Call plus FULL 
Exchange.  The final
                                    <ENTER> logs the QSO & sends F3 ("r")
Shifted Keys
F1  = NOTE:  Shift+F1 will not work!!!
F2  = <%C> <niq>        <-- Sends His Call plus "Need Intervening QSO"
F3  = <niq>            <-- "Need Intervening QSO"
F4  = <cl?>
F5  = <nr?>
F6  = <name?>
F7  = <qth?>
F8  = <<qrl?>>
F9  =                  <-- NCCC Specific :-)
F10 = <<ee>>
F1&F11 = <<?>>

NOTE: writelog.ini file needs the following in the [Configuration] section


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