[WriteLog] WL S&P plus Run modes?

Eric Hilding dx35 at hilding.com
Mon Jul 11 04:43:32 EDT 2005

 >> On 10 Jul 2005 Dennis, K5YA wrote:
 > > Enter sends exch/QRZ"  has the following problems:
 > >
 > > 1.  After a call is entered, and the exchange is sent using "enter",
 > > the cursor needs to move to the next field that an entry will be made
 > > in.

 > On Sun, 10 Jul 2005, Barry, W2UP replied;
 > Your suggestion is not a good one.  For maximum efficiency, one
 > should hit ENTER part way thru the call, so you come back to the
 > other station sooner, and complete the typing of the call as it is
 > being transmitted, keeping just ahead of it.

Umh, this should "play well" if D4B calls you at 40+WPM :-)

 > There's plenty of time to get to the exchange field when the other
 > guy comes back to you, and is accomplished with a quick tap of the
 > SPACE bar.

Let's see... 4,600+ QSOs (times) 4,600 *unnecessary* times of pressing (or 
lightly tapping) the space bar.  Hmmm...something to look forward to next 
time I go to the Caribbean with a higher QSO goal???  I don't think so.

Once again, WL can remain status quo for those who are "comfortable" with 
the way things are.  But there are a lot of folks who yearn for various 
Advanced CW Mode efficiencies, as evidenced by those who have been speaking 
up.  Both types of users can have their own WL...that's the beauty of 
computer software...and "Magic Switches" to turn on "Magic Functions" for 
those who want them and know how to use them :-)


Rick, K6VVA

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