[WriteLog] WL & DXD Unit Operational Issues

Eric Hilding b38 at hilding.com
Fri Jul 15 16:09:57 EDT 2005

Rick, N6XI wrote:

 > I think the W5XD external keyer, from the guy who brought you
 > WL, has provision for paddle input. All these devices accept serial
 > port ascii from WL and convert it to Morse on the outside.

Since DXD interface is via the Parallel port, and "rig control' to the 
TXRX's is via serial port, wouldn't adding more item into the food-chain be 
somewhat of a problem?  Or, I guess yet  3rd serial port would be needed 
(dedicated to an outboard CW keyer widget box)?  Should I assume that if 
unplugging the DXD key lines to each TXRX, such an external keyer widget 
would auto-swap the substituted TXRX keying lines depending upon which 
Radio is selected in WL without going through the DXD?

My temporary workaround is an old Radio Shack mutli-position audio switch 
to now swap my key paddle lines between the separate TXRX paddle 
inputs.  In last night's NS, it was a problem several times when I forgot 
to switch the paddle lines and ended up manually sending on the other 
radio. Very Rube Goldberg arrangement!

 >> In TR, each PgUp or PgDn is worth 2 wpm (and I think you can change 2
 >> to some other increment). In WL, each PgUp or PgDn moves up or down
 >> one position in a list of discrete speeds contained in writelog.ini.

 > This doesn't explain any kind of "hang up" problem, though, and I
 > don't experience anything like that.
 > This doesn't explain any kind of "hang up" problem, though, and I
 > don't experience anything like that.

Hmmm...I just looked in the .ini file and will try some modifications & see 
what happens.  These entries appear to reflect whatever was set up in the 
Ports | CW Speeds dialog config box.

 > Dunno, Rick. WL uses a parallel port to tell the DXD which rig is
 > active. It worked for me under Win 2000 Pro by using the userport
 > utility to enable LPT1. However, userport doesn't work for me on Win
 > XP.  So I get manual DXD control just fine but PTT or AUTO Audio and
 > AUTO Transmit have various problems, probably due to the coincidental
 > state of various lines on LPT1. YMMV. I'm desperately seeking advice
 > on how to enable LPT1 on Win XP Pro SP2.

You might want to try Direct IO (there's  30 day free trial). Tnx to some 
help here, I got it working, but then forgot to buy the license ;-(   Did 
that, but a real horror show trying to get it working again.  The author 
sent me a special script file to automatically enter the License Key in the 
Registry, but that still didn't work.  I uninstalled Direct IO, reinstalled 
it, and ran the script again.  It still wouldn't work.  Checked the 
parallel cable connection, then just kept closing and opening WL and 
re-clicking on the Ports setup options.  Also did this with the Direct IO 
Control Panel & clicked here and there but still nothing.  Rebooted the 
computer, shut it off & powered on again.  Still didn't work.  A few 
"choice words" were heard in the shack during this period.  I just kept 
closing & reopening WL and then all of a sudden everything worked.

Tnx & 73...

Rick, K6VVA

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