[WriteLog] Unable to install WL under Windows XP x64 (AMD64)

Fidel Leon Martin ea3lf at ea3lf.net
Fri Jun 10 21:17:36 EDT 2005

Some minutes ago, I have tried to install WL on Windows XP AMD64, and the installer complaint with error 105, saying SETUP.LID has no information about the languages (sic).

Actually, this error means the SETUP.LID files does not exist in the install directory, as the file isn't in the WL zip package.

By the way, I have seen many Installshield installers which include this file, and I have tried adding the SETUP.LID to the WL package, and the error does not come, but the initial installation progress bar closes as it reaches 100%...

Any of you using my setup...?


Fidel Leon - EA3LF
ea3lf at ea3lf.net

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