[WriteLog] Field Day Issues

Aldewey@aol.com Aldewey at aol.com
Fri Jun 17 22:13:36 EDT 2005

In a message dated 6/17/2005 4:32:34 PM Central Standard Time, kl7fh at gci.net 
We had the same problem with the VHF QSO Party at KL7DX when entering a 6m 
FM contact. It indicates out of band..i got it to go away but don't know 
what i did to fix it.
Frank KL7FH
I think what you need to do is make sure that the frequency range of the band 
is correctly defined.   Check this out under the "SHOW BANDS" entry under 
setup.  If the frequency of the VHF contact you made is not in one of those 
ranges, it will be marked with a B.  You can fix this by entering a new range with 
the "SETUP BANDS" entry, I think.



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