[WriteLog] WL - no MULTS window - Thanks

k6iii@juno.com k6iii at juno.com
Sat Jun 25 23:05:23 EDT 2005

Thanks for AL9A (Gary)
Yep... you nailed it right on the head...
The MULTs Window Coordinates was a large negative value (INI File).
Edited out the minus sign and then the window came onto the screen!
Can't tell how the value was changed, though.
Thanks for your suggestion.
San Jose, CA

-- "k6iii at juno.com" <k6iii at juno.com> wrote:

Thanks for your suggestions on the WL reflector. I suspect its the window coords, too. Will try to find them and see what I can see.

73 de Jerry/k6iii

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