[WriteLog] Cabrillo

David W Sher davew9lya at juno.com
Mon Mar 7 11:16:48 EST 2005

I am getting a little annoyed at having to edit the headings on
Cabrillo-formatted logs produced by WriteLog.  The ARRL always kicks back
my first submission; I have to reenter the contest line, both to make
sure it is in the correct location and that it has the contest listed
correctly; and I also have to remove excess lines that the Cabrillo
engine rejects.  I assume that other contest promoter that require (or at
least accept) Cabrillo logs, such as CQ, etc. will give me the same

Specifically, this includes the CLAIMED SCORE line and CREATED BY
WRITELOG V.**** line. CLAIMED SCORE  is unnecessary as Cabrillo figures
this out automatically (including deductions for blown QSOs), and your
claimed score is available from the Summary output.  I realize that you
want to publicize the fact that the WriteLog program was used, but this
could be relocated to the SOAPBOX section where it would not cause an
automatic bounce.  Also, have the CONTEST line moved to its correct
position immediately below the ARRL SECTION line, and have contest names
reflect correctly the sponsors' preferences.

Dave             W9LYA
What wrought doG hath?

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