[WriteLog] WL and IC-756 pro III

Gary Senesac AL9A al9a at pobox.mtaonline.net
Wed Nov 2 01:06:38 EST 2005

Check the WL reflector archives.  I believe other ProIII owners have been
advised to use the WL ProII settings and then change the default ProIII CI-V
hex address in the radio to the ProII hex address so it matches what is in
WL.  My original IC-756Pro has a default hex address of 5Ch.  I don't know
where the radio details are stored in WL - they're not in the WriteLog.ini
file, but the Radios.ini file of DXbase says that the default hex address of
the ProII is 64h and the ProIII is 6Eh.  Change the ProIII default CI-V hex
address from 6Eh to 64h and the radio and WL should handshake OK - I don't
know about the micro BandDecoder.

Gary AL9A

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Janez Pungarsek" <pungarsekj at yahoo.com>
To: <writelog at contesting.com>
Sent: November 01, 2005 8:06 AM
Subject: [WriteLog] WL and IC-756 pro III

> Hi
> I use WL ver. 10.55D which still has no IC-756proIII as a rig to be
selected in the SETUP/PORTS. What to do in order to avoid any conflicts
betwenn my rig, WL and micro BandDecoder?
> Thank you in advance,
> Janez, S58J
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