[WriteLog] Antennas and CC&R's

Dr. Howard S. White drpaper at kleega.com
Mon Nov 14 20:48:48 EST 2005

I can attest first hand to the different attitudes of people to property
rights in different countries.

When I lived in Canada, I put up towers on two houses.   Building permits
were very simple proforma documents and easy to get.  The first house was
15' 9" wide and 30' high - a typical row house.  I had a 70' tower on the
roof with a TH6DXX on it that had a 24' turning radius.. needless to say it
totally covered both house that were attached to mine.

The second house was on a 50' wide lot in a very exclusive neighborhood..It
had a 100' guyed tower sporting a huge menagerie of beams, quads and
verticals... the largest of which had a turning radius of 55'.  In neither
case did any neighbor ever complain or even comment on the towers or
antennas... except to say glad they were here in case of an emergency.
People clearly felt that you had a right to use your own property however
you wanted to.

I now live in the USA in La Jolla CA which is equivalent to my old
neighborhood in Canada.  I put up a MonstIR Antenna with a 40' turning
radius on a 85' Crank Up tower which normally nests at 25'.    My lot is 1/2
acre - 150' x 150' and heavily treed so the MonstIR is invisible to almost
every house on the street when nested.  It took me over a year and many many
$ to get a building permit.    Ironically we are on a Mt Soledad which
sprouts 94 commercial towers which are fully visible to all houses on our
street.   So relative to my old houses and to that vast array of commercial
antennas around here, my antenna is much less obtrusive.

As soon went up, the neighbors began screaming. They have posted signs all
around that say..."It's our neighborhood too  antennabegone at yahoo.com "
Everyone seems to be of the opinion that they have the right to tell me what
I can do on my property.  They have claimed that I don't need the antennas
or that I could use smaller antennas....or a lighter weight tower...or that
I should not work DX.

One neighbor was rather upset with me when I helped out during Katrina on
the 40 M SATERN Net.  She claimed my building permit only permitted me to
work local emergencies and I should not help people outside of La Jolla.
She could not comprehend that people outside of La Jolla might be called on
someday to help us..

For the "Land of the Free"  it seems that the freedom does not extend to
individual property rights.

I suggest you support the HR 3876 Bill to protect  us from CC&R's


Howard S. White Ph.D. P. Eng., VE3GFW/K6  ex-AE6SM  KY6LA
Website: www.ky6la.com
"No Good Deed Goes Unpunished"
"Ham Antennas Save Lives - Katrina, 2003 San Diego Fires, 911"

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Phil Krichbaum" <pfkski at vail.net>
To: "'Anthony W. DePrato'" <wa4jqs at mikrotec.com>; "'Bill Coleman'"
<aa4lr at arrl.net>; "'Dave W7DPW'" <w7dpw at comcast.net>
Cc: "'writelog'" <writelog at contesting.com>; "'rtty'" <rtty at contesting.com>
Sent: Sunday, November 13, 2005 6:46 AM
Subject: Re: [WriteLog] [RTTY] RTTY In CW Bands ?

> A few years ago a relative was asking me about what it took too get a
> license as he had a mild interest. I told him about the VEs and question
> pool etc. He asked if the exam pool questions delt with how to actually
> on the air and operate. I had to admit that it didn't but certainly
> In recent years I've noticed that when listening to field day SSB ops that
> there is lots of CB lingo and generally clueless ops. In my opinion there
> a group of poor ops that have been tought by poor ops so we are at least
> the 2nd generation of this. Unfortunately due to CC&Rs many US hams are
> unable to put up meaningful antennas to get on HF and FD is the only time
> the year they operate HF.
> I've traveled a bit and when talking to hams in other countries I find
> CC&Rs and similar things are pretty much strickly a US deal. Most people
> other countries feel that what ever you do on your property is your
> and you can pretty much do as you please. I visited a ham in The
> and he lived in a typical Dutch row house and his lot was about 25 ft
> He had a tower in the back yard that had been approved by the authorities.
> Never were his neighbors asked if they had any comments or objections. It
> was approved even though his HF beam antenna overhangs the neighbors
> property on each side and a city park on the back. Ham HF activity (cw
> is alive and well in other parts of the world. In last November's CQWW CW
> contest there was a record number of logs submittted (4040) with
> well off the cycle peak.
> 73 Phil N0KE
> -----Original Message-----
> From: writelog-bounces at contesting.com
> [mailto:writelog-bounces at contesting.com]On Behalf Of Anthony W. DePrato
> Sent: Saturday, November 12, 2005 9:58 AM
> To: Bill Coleman; Dave W7DPW
> Cc: writelog; rtty
> Subject: Re: [WriteLog] [RTTY] RTTY In CW Bands ?
> Well we can put a lot of the blame on ourselves. being a ve for over 20
> and having taught over 100 ham class's it came to me one day that I was
> teaching everything but our SOP's the last 30 some class's i had here in
> south central KY. i spent the last day talking about how to operate and
> what pro signs to use and telling them that we did not use good buddy ,
> whats ur 20 , and most of all the personnel here is !
> they all seems very glad to know this and realized that they would not
> stand out as an ex cber on the ham bands..btw i taught theory NOT the
> questions that most do today.
> 73 Tony WA4JQS
> p.s. i spent 2 days on band plans and gentleman's agreements also.
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