[WriteLog] LPT and XP

Mike k4gmh at arrl.net
Fri Sep 9 00:19:27 EDT 2005


Since posting the below message, the following were tried to get LPT1 
to work with WL & XP OS:
    * DirectIO configured per the DirectIO WL setup.
    * LPT1=378x37A established in writelog.ini.  LPT2 and LPT3 
deleted in writelog.ini.
    * Printer removed from the computer followed by restarting the computer.
    * Various "LPT1=" settings have been tried, e.g., 
LPT1=0X37A;  LPT1=378X37F......

Still no success in getting LPT1 to show up on Setup>Ports.  Any 
ideas on what needs to be done to get WL, LPT1 and XP to work together?
>After too many crashes with 98SE, I've switched to XP.  Now I can't 
>use any of the LPT Ports in the Setup>Ports.
>Direct IO has been installed, Fixcom.exe has been executed and 
>DX4Win V7.01 has been loaded (several references have been made 
>regarding the LPT driver in DX4Win).  The archives have been 
>consulted.  This led to trying several settings for lpt1 in the 
>WL.ini file.  Nothing seems to make a difference.
>A few comments on my efforts to get lpt to work:
>Set-up - XP w/SP2, WL V10.55D,  "DVK type Windows sound board" highlighted.
>I doubt if I have Direct IO correctly set-up as it leaves a lot to 
>be desired on set-up instructions.
>When Fixcom.exe is opened the DOS window opens and shuts before 
>anything can be read.  So don't know if I need to do anything else.
>DX4Win was loaded and installed a couple of times.
>The suggestions in the archive have been tried, without any 
>success.  My LPT1 port settings are 0378 x 037F.
>  Any ideas on what may be occurring with my set-up to keep lpt from 
> being able to be used?
>         73,
>         Mike, K4GMH

         Mike, K4GMH 

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