[WriteLog] Ver-10.58E now ready to download...

Steve AI9T steve at ai9t.com
Tue Feb 21 21:25:06 EST 2006


After doing a  system restore, I unziped the contents of the 
wl1058eupg.zip to another folder "as I always do" and then ran setup. 
Program appeared to upgrade OK and the WL splash screen said 10.58E when 
starting. However, when I click on a recently used log I get an error 
"Can't open DXCC data base file DXCCWAE.DAT" then log opens. If I enter 
a call I get no country information.

Running XP SP2 all updates.


Steve AI9T


QSL via LOTW and EQsL

Steve AI9T wrote:

>*I'm currently running 10.57H* which one of these updates should I 
>download and install. One didn't work (
>wl1058emsiupg.zip) After this failed I tried the 2nd (wl1058eupg.zip)It said I needed ver 10.  After that Writelog was gone.
>Thank goodness for system restore. That's what I had to do to get back 
>to where I was. What did I do wrong?

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