[WriteLog] MTTY plug in problem

Gary Senesac AL9A al9a at pobox.mtaonline.net
Sat Feb 25 17:06:23 EST 2006

Way too late to get started on this, but I've been trying to run the NA QSO
Party RTTY edition using the MMTTY plug for WL.  At first my problem was no
receive in MTTY.  The band scope remained unchanged no matter where I tuned,
the waterfall didn't work and the tuning indicator also wouldn't work.
Fiddled around a bit and tried changing the sound card buttons from Mono to
Left to Right.  Finally got the sound card to wake up and got receive going.
However, whenever I transmit, 100W, and go back to receive the I'm back to
no receive!  Clicking on the sound board buttons again restores it.
Transmit and it dies!

My first suspicion was RF getting back into the sound card, but I already
have a big torrid choke on the line in and RF feed back is not a problem on
either CW or SSB.  I shut down WL and fired up MMTTY stand alone.  Receives
and transmits just fine.  No problem switching back from transmit to
receive.  Why would the stand alone work OK and the plug in be a brick???
Same hook up for both so I'm thoroughly stumped.  Any suggestions gratefully
Gary AL9A

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