[WriteLog] FW: The Grid Dip PSK-RTTY Shinding 2006 [05.AUG.2006 00-24 UTC]

Dick Thompson wb0dul at adelphia.net
Mon Jul 31 10:51:36 EDT 2006



Just to remind you, guys.
73 de MM0DFV
The Grid Dip PSK-RTTY Shinding 2006
digital grid square contest 
Sponsored by TARA
Troy Amateur Radio Association 	

En  <http://www.n2ty.org/seasons/spanish_tara_grid_rules.html> Espanol:
tnx Joaquin, EA4ZB 

5 Aug. 2006

00:00 UTC through 24:00 UTC


Send name + 4 digit grid locator 
Note: no RST is necessary. No brag files are necessary.

Running Rules:

*	Call CQ Grid Dip 

*	SWL entries please read the SWL Special
<http://www.n2ty.org/seasons/tara_grid_swl.html> Rules 


	Categories	 PSK	 RTTY	
	HIGH	 100w max.	 legal limit	
	LOW	 20w max.	 100w max.	
	QRP	 5w max	 5w max	
	ROVER	 100w max.	 100w max.	 

	SWL	 Rx. Only!	 Rx. Only!	

*	Run only single transmitter/ single operator. 

*	Send 4 digit Maidenhead Grid Locator. Example: EL95. Sources of
Grid Square info: http://www.arrl.org/locate/grid.html for ARRL Grid
Square Calculator and WM7D's Callsign Database at:


	Rover: Contester(s) using a single station that moves among two
or more grid squares during the course of a contest. The rover vehicle
may only emit one (1) signal at any given time and may not operate with
more than one call sign. Rover vehicles must transport all the
equipment, power supplies, and antennas used at each operating site.
Rovers sign "/R" after their call sign. Here is a suggestion from our
fearless leader;
*** I'd suggest that stations using for example "NY2U/R" should use the
Grid Square as they change grids, otherwise stations will be contacting
them for possible dupes. However, it is NOT mandatory! I believe the
clever rover contester would send something like "CQ CQ de NY2U/R FN32"
or just a simple "NY2U/R FN33" Now it becomes very clear that I have
moved grid squares. ***
All Rovers are encouraged to adopt operating practices that allow as
many stations as possible to contact them.
Rover station can count multiple contacts with the same station on the
same band, as long as the Rover is in different grids.
*	ROVER stations in both PSK and RTTY are limited to 100 watts. 

*	NOTE: Please be very careful. We know of a few cases where
points were missed by contest operators because they didn't realize that
a station was a ROVER and had changed Grid Squares. They thought it was
a Dupe.  The Rover station also misses out on points as well! Please
watch out for the ROVER portable identifier /P. :)

Operating Modes:

SWL, PSK ( includes all sub modes ie PSK31, PSK63) and RTTY (includes
all sub modes ie 60wpm, 100wpm) 
Note: Operators can submit more than one mode. These must be separate
entries and NOT combined. Please submit an OnLine Score Submission Form
for each mode. Your multi category entries will, of course, be
accumulated towards your Tour'ney credits.:)


Use the regular digital frequencies/mode on  160 thru 6m. WARC band QSOs
are NOT permitted in the spirit of the gentleman's agreement that there
be no contesting on the WARC bands.


Stations can be worked once on each band for QSO points (see ROVER
exception rules above).
Each valid QSO per band counts as 1 QSO point.
Each different Grid Locator worked counts as one (1) multiplier, once
per band. 

Total Score:

Total Score = QSO Points x total different Grid Locators/Band 


Fill out one Score Submission
<http://www.n2ty.org/seasons/tara_grid_score.html> Form  for each
category separately. All VALID logs must be received via our Online
Score Submission System.
For Ham's/SWL's with no internet connection that wish to submit a 
"CHECK-LOG" should mail your logs to my QTH.
All logs must be received no later than 3rd September 2006 in order to
be valid.
Decisions of the Grid Dip Contest Committee are final.


*	1st, 2nd and 3rd in each category. 

*	Top SWL score. 

*	All scores except "SWL" will be automatically entered into the
Tour'ney. <http://www.n2ty.org/seasons/tara_tourney.html>  

*	The awards for the "Grid Dip" are now part of our OLCAR
<http://www.n2ty.org/seasons/tara_seasons.html>  system. 
Do NOT send logs. However, logs must be on hand and furnished if
Fill out the OnLine Score
<http://www.n2ty.org/seasons/tara_grid_score.html> Submission Form to
have your score officially logged. Scores will be posted periodically on
the  <http://www.n2ty.org/seasons/tara_grid_results.html>  Grid Dip
Score Web page here.	

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