[WriteLog] Can't Open Sound Card (1)

Mike k4gmh at arrl.net
Thu Jun 8 18:18:26 EDT 2006


Having trouble getting two sound cards to work in a computer for a 
SO2R set-up.  Keep getting the Error Message "Can't open sound card 
(1)".  Looked at the WL archives, however, the fixes for dual sound 
card and "Can't open sound card" issues didn't solve the 
problem.   The same message is Error Message is received with 
WL/MMTTY and MMTTY stand-alone.

The situation: computer is a Dell XPS 2.8 GHz with W XP SP2.  One 
sound card is the on the motherboard board, a Sigma Tel Audio, and 
the other is a Turtle Beach Santa Cruz PCI sound card.   The Device 
Manager says both are enabled and ready for use.  Either can be 
selected in the Properties window in the Options pull down on the 
Volume Control.  The Santa Cruz sound card seems to be Sound Card "0" 
and the Sigma Tel Audio is Sound Card "1".  This is the first attempt 
to use the Turtle Beach card although it has been in the computer for 
over a month.

The drivers for Santa Cruz card were reinstalled without any help.

An oddity with WL is that when radio with Sound Card (1) is keyed up 
using Cntrl K, it can not be changed to receive using Cntrl K, but 
has to be unkeyed using Escape.  When both MMTTY versions are using 
Sound Card 0, the keying works as it should - Cntrl K keys and unkeys 
whichever radio is selected.

One other quirk is the Sigma Tel Audio seems not to be working as it 
did.  Before this attempt to use the Santa Cruz card for the SO2R, 
the Sigma Tel Audio would output sound to the desk top speakers.  The 
"line out" from the Sigma Tel Audio still works with other amateur 
S/W applications.

Any help is appreciated on trying to solve this problem.

         Mike, K4GMH  

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