[WriteLog] Networked Ops (long)

John E Bastin jbastin at sssnet.com
Mon Jun 26 14:49:26 EDT 2006

On Jun 26, 2006, at 1:27 PM, Ford Peterson wrote:

> I will be the first to admit that we may have had stuff configured  
> wrong.  I will be the first to defend our network team.  We had two  
> people who make their living managing networks in charge of our  
> operations.  Both were pulling their hair out in COMPLETE  
> frustration.  We spent several evening configuring PCs, Rigs, and  
> WL, in anticipation of the weekend's 2A event.

It has always baffled me, perhaps someone could explain, why one  
would beat one's head against the wall setting up a computer network  
to log on Field Day. I don't remember being on a Field Day operation  
where a particular band/mode combination was operated on more than  
one radio; therefore, there's no reason why any radio/log should need  
to know, or should care what has been worked at a different seat.

At the end of the contest, the only thing we're turning in other than  
the bonus paperwork are the dupe sheets, listed by band and mode.  
Every computer/radio can easily operate as a single-transmitter  
operation with it's own log. You can print the dupe sheet out from  
each computer at the end, or move all the log files to one machine at  
the end and work with them after the fact (thumb drives work well for  
this, or perhaps someone has an external USB or IEEE 1394 drive to  
plug into each computer at the end to collect the logs).

I've run networked computers and WriteLog in the comfort of my home  
for DX contests and the like, but I would never add to the complexity  
of Field Day (or increase the workload and reduce the fun) by trying  
to set one up under emergency power in the field. It just ain't  

As always in these discussions, YMMV.


J o h n   B a s t i n
jbastin at sssnet.com

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