[WriteLog] Field Day

Dale Jackaman dalej at reboot.bc.ca
Tue Jun 27 13:05:55 EDT 2006

> "What ever happened to paper dupe sheets?  After all just who will log 
every station during an emergency. Isn't > > Field Day supposed to be 
"training" for the real thing.
> Just try to bring all your fancy networked stations to a hurricane area 
and spend days setting them up."

Give me a break.  Computers are everywhere and have been an integral part 
of any emergency operation.  I'm involved in emergency preparedness at the 
civic level and it most certainly involves computers. Another function of 
Field Day is to attract new hams and old Luddite technologies have failed 
miserably in doing so.  New generations of amateurs want hi-tech and are 
not intimidated, nor turned off by same.  By all means, bring out the 
antiques and the paper and show them how it used to be done in the old 
days - but show the real stuff off to the public.

Dale Ve7GL

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