[WriteLog] MARC-CW module needed

"Pat Cain, KØPC" k0pc at arrl.net
Thu May 4 15:20:49 EDT 2006

I'm getting to this discussion late but...

Four years ago I wrote a module for the MARAC 
contest which is still available at 
<http://home.mchsi.com/~k0pc/MARAC.html>. At the 
time, there was no standardized list of county 
abbreviations that I could find so it is 
freeform. I'm sure you could probably use the W0QE abbreviations.

There was never any feedback on this so I didn't pursue it any further.


At 12:20 PM 5/3/2006, AD8J wrote:
>I see there is s MARC-CW contest this weekend.
>Does anyone have a module made up for this one?
>I'd operate mobile from several counties.
>John Getz, AD8J
>John's Travel and Cruises
>3905 South Monet Court
>Allison Park, PA  15101-3220
>Telephone: 412-487-4733
>Fax:  412-487-0338
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