[WriteLog] Writelog serial ports

Mark, K5AM k5am at zianet.com
Mon Nov 6 11:31:13 EST 2006

At 12:33 2006-11-06, w0ah at aol.com wrote:
>  Writelog appears to accept only ports 1-4.

Monday, 2006 November 06, 1631 GMT

Hi Doug,

Sorry to hear about the problems.

WriteLog will accept other ports if the ini file is modified.
Here is what I have in     writelog.ini


Now com ports 4,5,6,7 show up in WriteLog, setup, ports.

I've had a wonderful vacation up here on Horse Mountain.
Beautiful wx. Home in a few days.

Worked 15 new countries on 2 meters in the last 2 weeks.
Total now 24. The first 9 took me 20 years on CW.


Mark, K5AM

Horse Mountain DX Ranch  DM54wa
7900 feet elev; Honda generator power.
k5am at zianet.com  Solar-powered e-mail.  No US mail.
Site of W5SIX beacon, 50,066.2 kHz, 1 watt.
Home: DM62ni
Mark Mandelkern
Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA
k5am at zianet.com
First callsign: W9ECV, Milwaukee, 1948.
10 band DXCC confirmed. 136 countries on 6 meters.
Homebrew station: www.zianet.com/k5am/ncj

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