[WriteLog] Writelog CW with USB to serial port adapter goes crazy!

Ken Jackson ken at g4kxg.freeserve.co.uk
Mon Nov 6 13:21:02 EST 2006

Hi Doug,

I am interested to hear about the speed change on CW. 

I also use a usb to serial adaptor and exactly the same, the speed suddenly
goes from 25-50wpm randomly. I amusing a fast (1.7mhz) laptop with plenty of
ram so its not a conflict issue with other programs I don't think?

I think someone else has already answered your query about the port numbers
but am hoping someone will be able to help about the speed issue.


-----Original Message-----
From: writelog-bounces at contesting.com
[mailto:writelog-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of w0ah at aol.com
Sent: 06 November 2006 12:33
To: writelog at contesting.com
Subject: [WriteLog] Writelog CW with USB to serial port adapter goes crazy!

 Hi writeloggers,
Wanted to do 24 hours SS this weekend, but as usuual, my planning began too
late (Saturday morning) when I found that my USB to serial port adapter was
not recognized by my laptop.  Then I remembered that my hard drive bit the
dust and was replaced with a new one over a year ago, and the driver was
lost.  I do not have internet on my laptop at the new QTH without going to
the library where their filters might prevent a driver download anyway, so I
went to Walmart and bought a new adapter and installed the driver from the
CD.  It was now 2 hours until the SS began.  With the new adapter, the
default port was COM 5 which Writelog won't accept.  Writelog appears to
accept only ports 1-4.  I tried changing it and got a message at com ports
1, 2, 3, and 4 that they were all in use, but how can that be?  Nothing
else, not even a printer, was connected.  I fulled around for an hour
changing the adapter to the other USB port and at times it appeared that com
port 3 was available, but
  no CW.  I wondered if my HB transistor interface was working?  Finally, it
started working an hour before the test.  However, I quickly found, when the
SS began, that about every 3rd contact the CW speed would go from my
designated 25 WPM to over 50.  It appeared to be a random happening.  It,
and lack of sleep, eventually wore me down, and I quit after 17 hours.
What's wrong with my setup?  It worked FB with the previous USB to serial
adapter a couple of years ago.
Doug W0AH 
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