[WriteLog] CW/RTTY/SSB Memory Setup Exchange

DieselCar at aol.com DieselCar at aol.com
Fri Nov 17 08:01:06 EST 2006

Hi Norman,
I include the year in the log file such as ARRL_RU06 or BARTG06.  When  
entering said contest the next year wid WL,  I do the following:
1 - click SETUP
2 - click CW/RTTY/SSB messages
3 - click BROWSE (look in WL CONTEST)
4 - click BARTG06 (if BARTG is the next contest, etc)
5 - click OK
In this example,  BARTG Messages use in previous year will be loaded  and can 
be used in new contest.
GL and ue.
Rick W4UEF
Is there a way to copy the CW/RTTY/SSB Memory Setup Exchange from  one  
contest to another without having to retype it all each time? If  it's  
in the manual I can't seem to find it.

Norman  W9VQ

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