[WriteLog] BUG in WL Keyboard Shortcuts for SSB

michael at shapiro.net michael at shapiro.net
Fri Nov 17 12:00:45 EST 2006

Aren't Shift+F<n> shortcuts in SSB mode for recording of the 
correspondent F<n> messages?

73 de WA6O, Mike

----Original Message----
From: dx35 at hilding.com
Date: Nov 16, 2006 21:44 
To: <writelog at contesting.com>
Cc: <w5xd at writelog.com>
Subj: [WriteLog] BUG in WL Keyboard Shortcuts for SSB

I just discovered a BUG in the Keyboard Shortcut setup schema for 
SSB...WL v10.61E:

Shift+F10 is missing the "MessageShiftPh10" option ;-(

I hope this can be fixed ASAP!

Tnx & 73...

Rick, K6VVA
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