[WriteLog] BUG in WL Keyboard Shortcuts for SSB

Eric Hilding dx35 at hilding.com
Sat Nov 18 11:55:58 EST 2006

OK...let me explain exactly WHY there is a problem here.

The main reason I bought WL v10.61E is because it was my understanding  that v10.61E fixed the problem of not being able to have both Shift+F02..F11 AND Shift+ F02PH...F11PH functional at the same time (I've abbreviated the long official descriptions to distinguish CW from PH messages).

So why would this be important?

For starters, when operating the ARRL 10m Contest mixed mode (SSB + CW), the CQP, and to not have to keep doing keyboard re-assignments between CW and PH contests.

In other words, you can still only have either have 20 CW Messages and 10 SSB messages, or 10 CW Messages and 20 SSB messages.

The main reason I bought v10.61E was because I understood the situation had been resolved.

When I installed v10.61E, by default all Shift+F02...F11(CW) messages worked, however the Shift+F02PH...F11PH (SSB) were not setup.

So I went through the entire Shift+F02PH...F11PH keyboard shortcut assignment process, but I could NOT get Shift+F10PH to "take" like all the others did.  THAT's why I made the BUG post...things should NOT work this way.  Subsequently the only solution to get Shift+F02PH finally working here was to first manually delete Shift+F10, and then assign Shift+F10PH (which then nuked Shift+F10 for CW message use).

UNFORTUNATELY, v10.61E still does NOT allow for the full potentially usable 20 CW and 20 PH messages at the same time.  For the SHIFT+ group(s), it's either CW or PH, which remains a bummer...especially for the ARRL 10m Contest Mixed Mode, CQP and others.  Not just that, but switching between CW only contests and PH contests throughout the year requires going back in each time and make Shift+F02...F11 or Shift-F02PH...F12PH re-assignments.  Yes, there is an echo in this email by design.

I hope that everyone will now fully understand why I made the bug post, and why there is still a problem.

FYI & 73...


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