[WriteLog] AFSK Tuning Problems

David Fisher ka2cyn at arrl.net
Mon Oct 16 22:46:54 EDT 2006

I downloaded Writelog 10.61E recently. I am running an XP laptop with 
more than enough RAM & Hard Drive capacity to meet the specs. My rig is 
the Orion 565 with the latest firmware upgrade.. My interface is a 
Rigblaster plus. I am running AFSK.
The problems encountered so far:
-The tuner with the crossbars shown on the web site doesn't appear,. 
Neither does the one with the 2 elliptical circles that bisect each 
other. The only tuning aid showing itself is the one with the red balls 
which are to be lined up with the vertical yellow lines. It has a box 
adjoining it which is completely black. I made a contact using that aid 
but tuning was difficult and I sure would like to know how to turn  the 
aforementioned "scopes" on.
-When I right click my mouse inside the Rttyrite window I get the menu 
offering to send F3, etc. They all play except F3. What would cause that?


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