[WriteLog] Updated RTTY Callsign Database now online

Don Hill AA5AU aa5au at bellsouth.net
Mon Sep 18 20:51:54 EDT 2006

The new RTTY callsign database files are now available on rttycontesting.com.  I renamed the WriteLog files, adding "full" and
"lite" to the file names. The link is provided on the Downloads page of rttycontesting.com.  The direct link to the zipped file is:


Updated September 18, 2006 

This is a zipped file containing:

aa5au_rtty060918_full.dta containing over 27,655 calls (file used for WriteLog's Super Check Partial function).  This file contains
all new calls that are in the "lite" file listed below.

aa5au_rtty060918_lite.dta (a smaller file containing 8309 calls from DK3VN's RWRL list and calls found in at least 3 logs received
by AA5AU in year 2005 plus logs received up to the 2006 Russian RTTY Contest.  This file also contains calls from those who have
sent in logs to the DL-DX contest (thanks DJ3IW).

mstrtty.cal (ASCII text file of all calls found in aa5au_rtty060918_full.dta.dta in alpha-numeric order used for WT4I Cabrillo
Tools, WF1B and other programs) 

mstrtty_lite.cal (ASCII text file of calls found in aa5au_rtty060918_lite.dta in alpha-numeric order) 
readme.txt (information about the above four files) 

Looks like around 1000 new callsigns since the last update in February 2006.

This will be the last update before CQWW RTTY Contest this weekend.  Any logs received this week will be added to the next update.

Thanks to everyone for sending in logs and master files.  Have fun in the "big one" this weekend.  Now I need to go try to build a

73, Don AA5AU

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