[WriteLog] %E Stopped Working

David Fisher ka2cyn at arrl.net
Sat Jan 6 23:16:31 EST 2007

David Fisher wrote:

> I am using WL 10.61E with the MMTTY plug-in on  Windows XP. The RTTY 
> rig hr is the Icom 706MKIIG and the interface is the Rigblaster Plus. 
> I run FSK.
> This system has worked well in the past, but as I prepare for this 
> weekend's RU, I find that my tx doesn't stop even though I have %E in 
> my messages. The only way I can get the rig from tx to rx is to 
> manually hit the escape key and even then there is quite a lag until  
> tx stops.
> This problem now also exists with old contest formats that performed 
> perfectly in the past with the existing  equipment.
> Can you help?
> Dave KA2CYN
My further attempts to resolve this situation lead to more confusion 
here. Hopefully what I relate below will make sense to someone out there 
re where a solution may lie.
I tried to use MMTTY as a standalone. It produced the similar problems 
with tx as described above. So I figured that I should try WL without 
the plug-in.
WL with the RTTY Rcvr gave me no decent copy on rx. On tx, rttyrite 
produced only the 1st 5 spaces any any given msg. Tx than hung up, but 
the manual esc key resulted in immediate tx to rx (no lag).. ALT K tx 
acted the same way-tx 1st 5 spaces in rttyrite window and then hung up 
when ESC key was hit.
Sometimes when I start WL I get an error msg. This has been going on for 
some time (even when the program worked flawlessly) but  I will describe it:
It pops up intermittently upon WL start and reads "UserPara.INI" 
followed by graphics which are not on my keyboard.

I then ran my virus program. All reported fine.

My next thought was that my copy of WL was corrupted. I made 2 attempts 
to download a replacement copy. In both cases
I got a message as follows: "There is a problem with the Windows 
Installer Package. A program required for this installation to complete 
could not be run. Contact vendor."

I've been working rtty tests for a long time and I hope that someone 
reading this can help me get back in the game.
73, Dave KA2CYN

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