[WriteLog] Question to reflector

Dick Thompson w0raa at w0raa.com
Thu Jan 11 21:28:47 EST 2007

Disregard the following request for assistance.  The problem is solved.

I can't quite understand why it took almost 24 hours for this request to get 
on the reflector.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dick-w0raa" <w0raa at comcast.net>
To: "Writelog Reflector" <writelog at contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2007 9:19 PM
Subject: [WriteLog] Question to reflector

>I am running Wl ver. 10.54C.  It works great.  One problem, if it really is 
>a problem, is the location of my WriteLog.ini file.  I know it's supposed 
>to be in the C:\Windows folder.  But, even though I run Windows XP Home SP2 
>on a Gateway Desktop, I don't have a C:\Windows folder.  I do have a 
>C:\WINNT folder.  I have a WriteLog.ini file in the C:\WINNT folder.  But 
>any changes I make to that ini file have no effect on WriteLog itself.
> I have found that the WriteLog.ini file that is being altered if I make a 
> change with WlIniEdit.exe is what is in the Registry.  The ini file in the 
> C:\WINNT folder is not changed at all.
> Now, my question: Why is my WriteLog.ini file in the Registry and not in 
> the C:\WINNT folder where it should reside?  I have even renamed the 
> WriteLog.ini file in the WINNT folder to something else, and WriteLog 
> still comes up and it does not create a new ini file in the WINNT folder.
> Need I be concerned or just live with things as they are since the 
> programs works well.  It was flawless in the RTTY RU Contest this past 
> weekend.  I have dropped an e-mail to Keith Kregli about this but have not 
> received any response from him.  Keith says, in the WlIniEdit_Read Me.txt 
> file, in the last paragraph:
> "The secret Registry stuff.  If you run the regedit program (if you don't 
> already know what it is, I don't recommend experimenting with it), you 
> will find an entry under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\kregli\WlIniEdit.  It 
> has all of the ini file Sections and Items that were in your WriteLog.ini 
> file, or that I could glean from the WriteLog Help File as I was writing 
> the program.  I added a function that could be helpful.  It is available 
> on the "System" menu and is called "Recreate File from Registry".  It 
> creates a new WriteLog.ini file from what has been stored in the registry. 
> You should probably never use it unless you get into serious trouble.  If 
> you choose to delete WlIniEdit from your system you can delete everything 
> in kregli and below from the registry."
> I assume the "Recreate File from Registry" that he mentions, may put the 
> correct WriteLog.ini file in the WINNT folder.  I cannot find any such 
> file to accomplish that.  And if I did, I'm not sure exactly what it would 
> do.  Does anybody know?  I just may leave things as they are, but it would 
> be nice to hear from Keith Kregli regarding this.  All the entries in the 
> WriteLog.ini file in the Registry are correct (Code Speeds, AutoSaveCount, 
> Recent File List, etc., etc).  None of the correct info in the 
> Writelog.ini file in the WINNT folder is even close to what's in the 
> Registry.
> Any suggestions would be appreciated.
> 73,
> Dick

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