[WriteLog] Serial Port A/B switching

Dan Karg dkarg at ekarg.com
Sun Jan 28 22:28:27 EST 2007

I've been wrestling with a new PC here that does not have a parallel port,
when I bought it I figured no big deal, I'll just drop in one of the many
PCI or even PCI express cards that are available. None that I've found have
been able to be remapped to the 'normal' LPT port address's (like x0378)
that WriteLog could control. Something about being behind a PCI bridge is
what I understand. I didn't dig into the hardware reason's to much.
If somebody actually has solved this I'd be interested in hearing about it.

Anyway, while operating NAQP it dawned on me that I could write a quick app
that would watch the left/right settings of the sound card and then have
that drive the DTR line on a com port. Then you can take this output and
feed into your S02R box pin 14 A/B control pin. As you know WriteLog changes
the left/right channel settings when you switch transmit focus from Radio A
to Radio B. It even does this in CW mode. 

My little app allows you to select which sound board to monitor (if you have
more than one) and lets you select a com port to control. DTR is the pin
I've chosen, (there was some discussion last month about using DTR for this
function). You can chose to invert the sense of the output if you need. The
default is DTR low for A and high for B. I've just put a single opto-coupler
between the DTR line and Pin 14 on the input to the SO2R box.
You can use any kind of Com port, I'm driving a port on my 8 port USB serial

Currently there is no install program, just execute the application. It
saves its settings in an .ini file in the same directory. It will minimize
to the tray so it out of site.

You can download this at http://wr0dk.home.comcast.net/abswitcher.html if
your interested.


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