[WriteLog] Wish: More flexible rotor control

Eric - VE3GSI ve3gsi at sympatico.ca
Sun Nov 25 22:47:57 EST 2007

Also Rick,

In my set-up, the first rotor is physically off north and I have to correct
it in the .ini file. The second rotor is fine, but I have not found a way to
do the correction independently (still looking). 

In the future some sort of radio to rotor mapping may be of use to me as I
am considering a 40 meter dipole or beam on a separate rotor.

73 Eric - VE3GSI

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rick Tavan N6XI
> I use "Antenna to [nnn] Azimuth" a lot. It would be very nice 
> to have a companion function that turns the antenna to the 
> long-path bearing (+/- 180) which is currently displayed but 
> not used for rotor control.
> Also useful would be +90 and -90. That would be helpful for 
> antennas that are at right angles to the others. I don't have 
> any at present but many people do.
> Finally, it would be helpful if these rotor control functions 
> were accessible when the focus is on the other rig QSO entry 
> fields. Right now, WL assumes there is exactly one rotor 
> dedicated to each rig. But many people have multiple antennas 
> on one mast and use them with both rigs. It would be great to 
> tie the two rigs to the one rotor. There are user interface 
> subtleties here that merit careful thought and a two-phase 
> implementation might provide 80% of the functionality with 
> the first 20% of the work!
> 73,
> /Rick N6XI

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