[WriteLog] Wish: More flexible rotor control

Jim McDonald jim at n7us.net
Tue Nov 27 22:22:13 EST 2007

I wanted to stop the rotor before it reached the desired bearing but found I
couldn't when using the controller.  DXbase does have a rotor stop command,
which is what I'd like to see, as well as the long path.

I have a Yaesu rotor with the Idiom Press board.  It can rotate 450 degrees,
and the extra 90 degrees from south to west is handy.  It would be nice if
the program knew that.

Jim N7US

-----Original Message-----

Also Rick,

In my set-up, the first rotor is physically off north and I have to correct
it in the .ini file. The second rotor is fine, but I have not found a way to
do the correction independently (still looking). 

In the future some sort of radio to rotor mapping may be of use to me as I
am considering a 40 meter dipole or beam on a separate rotor.

73 Eric - VE3GSI

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rick Tavan N6XI
> I use "Antenna to [nnn] Azimuth" a lot. It would be very nice 
> to have a companion function that turns the antenna to the 
> long-path bearing (+/- 180) which is currently displayed but 
> not used for rotor control.
> Also useful would be +90 and -90. That would be helpful for 
> antennas that are at right angles to the others. I don't have 
> any at present but many people do.
> Finally, it would be helpful if these rotor control functions 
> were accessible when the focus is on the other rig QSO entry 
> fields. Right now, WL assumes there is exactly one rotor 
> dedicated to each rig. But many people have multiple antennas 
> on one mast and use them with both rigs. It would be great to 
> tie the two rigs to the one rotor. There are user interface 
> subtleties here that merit careful thought and a two-phase 
> implementation might provide 80% of the functionality with 
> the first 20% of the work!
> 73,
> /Rick N6XI

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