[WriteLog] WL Wish List Items

Eric Hilding b38 at hilding.com
Thu Nov 29 20:22:45 EST 2007

Based upon some time problem related posts and my own recent WL QLF that
required a lot of tedious individual QSO frequency changes, here are some
Wish List items for Santa (Wayne):


1.       Include the ability to make Global QSO frequency (band/Mhz) changes
just as can mass-updating can be done to time/hours .  I just discovered
that if one highlights all QSOs with times that may be off by an hour due to
daylight savings time related QLF, after the hour is changed on one of them
and the OK button pushed, another dialog box comes up asking "Apply the same
time shift to other selected QSOs?"   Totally cool.  Applying the same
"other selected QSOs" capability to the frequency/band column would be
highly end-user efficient for those situations where things got messed up.
Especially when hundreds of QSOs now require individual manual line-by-line


2.       Entry | Make a SKED --- This is a Golden Oldie  repeat request to
provide "Browse" capability to Import a simple .txt or .csv file containing
multiple entries (many that may be repetitively used in specific annual
contests).  With an end-user template approach, one of my first entries
would be "CHECK BAND/MODE" at the start of a contest in case I forgot to do
it.or if for some reason the RS-232 connection to the rig wasn't working.
Simple copy & paste edits within Notepad would enable a person to insert
Multiple like-type reminders without the laborious task as currently exists.
For non-SO2R ops, an hourly reminder might be "Check 10 Meters" J This Wish
List mod would yield another highly efficient end-user capability.


Tnx & 73.


Rick, K6VVA


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