[WriteLog] WriteLog - DIGI Keyer - IC7800

Jon Suehiro nn5t at attglobal.net
Sun Oct 21 00:49:44 EDT 2007

This week, I replaced my long time favor FT1000D with IC7800 in the main rig

--- Same PC with XP Pro, WriteLog latest version, DIGI Keyer with latest
microHAM USB Device Router 5.0.1, and less than 1 week old IC7800 ---

Actually I received DB15-IC7800 cable for microHam to replace the original
cable for FT1000, nothing else is changed.

WriteLog PORTS are

		WL						DIGI Keyer (CAT level jumpers set to RS-232)

CommSlot1=4	No Rig						PTT: RTS
CommSlot2=5	Icom IC-7800 9600 Poll x Comm PTT YES	Radio 9600 8N2
CommSlot3=6	CW (No Rig)					CW: DTR
CommSlot4=7	No Rig						FSK: x PTT
		x All mode PTT on CW port RTS

IC7800	CI-V Baud Rate		Auto
	CI-V Address		6Ah
	CI-V Transceive		ON
	RS-232C Function	CI-V
	Decode Baud Rate	9600

Frequency / Mode are talking to the radio from WriteLog.

I can test DIGI Keyer PTT OK through Device Router (DIGI Keyer panel LED PTT
ON and IC7800 on TX).

ISSUE is --- On FSK, the radio PTT is actually keyed from WriteLog with
MMTTY but WriteLog DVK (sound board) does not key the IC7800 PTT on SSB
(DIGI Keyer panel LED PTT stays OFF).

At the same condition, FT1000D is keyed when DVK is activated through the
function keys.   I used old COM port setup with FT847 on COM1, PTT is keyed


Smells like some how the issue is within WL but I was unable to find any
hint in regard to PTT matter on SSB.   Of course the wave file audio output
will be transmitted if I keyed the PTT manually from either front panel
TRANSMIT or external PTT through ACC jack (or turn on VOX).

Any advise why remote PTT is not working ?

Thanks de NN5T Jon Suehiro

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