[WriteLog] WL & Vista

Gary AL9A al9a at mtaonline.net
Tue Feb 5 03:03:14 EST 2008

Ta Daah!!!  Eureka!!!  At long last, I got the bloody thing to work and I 
now have sub-bands displaying properly in the Band Map!  Thanks to all for 
your suggestions and support, although some suggested fixes where way more 
complex than I wanted to attempt.  As usual, the culprit turned out to be 
pilot error, darn it.

I thought back to when I first installed WL on my new Dell laptop with Vista 
and suddenly thought I may have missed a step in the process.  I seem to 
remember posts on the reflector that after installing or updating WL you 
should do a restart to get everything properly aligned in the registry.  I 
didn't do a restart, just eagerly started WL up to see if it would run under 
Vista and found the Band Map sub-bands problem.  So, I decided that I 
probably had messed up something in the registry and should do an uninstall 
and then reinstall WL.

After the uninstall I dug out my CD of 10.63H and did another install 
followed by a restart.  Much to my disappointment, the missing sub-bands 
problem was still there.  But, I had noticed something on the CD that I 
hadn't paid attention to before.  There are two setup files on the CD.  I 
had used Setup.exe on both installs that didn't work properly.  So, I 
uninstalled WL again then went back to the CD and ran the second setup file, 
SetupWlFull.exe.  After running this setup I again rebooted and started WL. 
HOT DIGGITY DOG!  Still no sub-bands, but there were band edges being 
displayed.  Progress!  This is encouraging.

I exited WL and checked some of the installed program locations.  In 
C:\Program Files\WriteLog\Programs I found three USA SubBands files for 
General, Advanced and Extra.  All of them were dated 12/22/2000.  I suspect 
the USA_Extra.SubBands file was providing the band edges I was now seeing in 
the Band Map.

I then checked C:\Users\AL9A\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files, but 
did not find a WriteLog folder there as I had expected.  So I started the 
Edit sub-bands utility and found my previous sub-band info still there.  I'm 
still not sure where this was being stored.  I edited the file to make a 
small change on one of the sub-band segments and saved it.  I then went back 
to C:\Users\AL9A\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files and discovered the 
path now included \WriteLog\Programs and inside the Programs folder was a 
single file, USA_Extra.SubBands.  The Edit sub-bands utility had now created 
this part of the path after my small editing change.

Crossing my fingers, I again started WL and wonder of wonders, there were 
the missing sub-bands showing in the Band Map!  Hallelujah!  Problem finally 
fixed!  I then updated my 10.63H to 10.65C with no problem.  I can only 
surmise that the Setup.exe program did not properly get all the WL entries 
into the registry, while the SetupWlFull.exe program did.  Sure wish I had 
noticed this sooner!  Soo, the proper path for the sub-band files is:

C:\Users\AL9A\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files \WriteLog\Programs

The kicker is the Edit sub-bands utility must place the sub-band files 
there.  It is not enough to just copy them to this location from else where. 
It would be nice if the Edit sub-bands utility would tell you where it 
intended to save the sub-band files, but this may be something that is 
controlled by Vista and the utility doesn't know where the files will end 
up!  Oh well, an interesting exercise to say the least.  Again, thanks to 
all for the suggestions.  At least your comments let me know that getting 
the sub-bands to display under Vista was possible and I just had to keep 
plugging away until I found the right combination.  See you in the NA 
Sprints SSB this Saturday!!!

Gary AL9A

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Wolf, DL6JZ" <dl6jz at t-online.de>
To: <WriteLog at contesting.com>
Sent: February 03, 2008 10:48 AM
Subject: Re: [WriteLog] WL & Vista

Hi Gary again,

I didn't install WriteLog into the suggested folder like
C:\ProgamData\WriteLog or so, because I don't like to store my contest data
on the system drive C:. And Vista keeps all the Windows system directories
on a very very high security level.

I installed WriteLog into a destination folder like D:\WriteLog. So it is
very easy to make a backup of my contest data. And WriteLog works o.k. I can
edit the subbands and find the edited sub bands in the band map.

By the way I made the install procedure as the user "Administrator", but I
am using WriteLog as a normal user "Wolf" without any administration rights.

The only thing you have to pay attention for is that the writelog.ini is to
be found in this case in the virtualization folder


You need this path if you want to edit the file writelog.ini manually.

The reason for this virtualization is that it doesn't meet the intention of
an operating system and of it's programmers when  program files which should
be modified by every user are stored in the system directory!

73 + 55
Wolf, DL6JZ

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