John and Mary Powell zl1bhq at paradise.net.nz
Wed Feb 20 01:36:34 EST 2008

It's me again, the infernal nuisance.
I am assisting setting up a Wrtelog demo station at our club's participation in the National Field Day Contest, albeit only a small fun operation. We (some of the ZM1A Team) intend using this demo as a try out for a more competitive=tive entry in the 2009 event.
I have loaded the CW Message Fields, but have a problem with the Serial Exchange Field (Cut Numbers). The Field reads %C 5NN %3/29, but the exchange reads 599 001(n)/29. I also edited  WL.ini to read Cut Numbers [Cut-Numbers), N=9 T=0. Reference to another local contester indicates that he has the same problem, thus this enquiry will not only satisfy my problem, but John's (not me !!) also.
thanks in advance for any assistance that can be offered.

John Powell. ZL1BHQ

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