Jim Rhodes k0xu at longlines.com
Wed Feb 20 08:42:12 EST 2008

Make sure the name of the section in the ini file is CUT-NUMBERS and 
try changing the entries to 9=N and 0=T

At 12:36 AM 2/20/2008, John and Mary Powell wrote:
>It's me again, the infernal nuisance.
>I am assisting setting up a Wrtelog demo station at our club's 
>participation in the National Field Day Contest, albeit only a small 
>fun operation. We (some of the ZM1A Team) intend using this demo as 
>a try out for a more competitive=tive entry in the 2009 event.
>I have loaded the CW Message Fields, but have a problem with the 
>Serial Exchange Field (Cut Numbers). The Field reads %C 5NN %3/29, 
>but the exchange reads 599 001(n)/29. I also edited  WL.ini to read 
>Cut Numbers [Cut-Numbers), N=9 T=0. Reference to another local 
>contester indicates that he has the same problem, thus this enquiry 
>will not only satisfy my problem, but John's (not me !!) also.
>thanks in advance for any assistance that can be offered.
>John Powell. ZL1BHQ
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Jim Rhodes K0XU
jim at rhodesend.net

Experience is the thing you have left when everything else is gone. 

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