[WriteLog] Xmit problem on 80 mtrs

Bob Jensen - aa7fk aa7fk at hotmail.com
Mon Jan 7 14:10:17 EST 2008

To Mike K9MI, Joe W4TV & Garry NI6T,
Thank you for your additional comments on my query!  As AL & Mark yesterday suggested, as did you, and I confirmed, the problem is RF.
Yes, the antenna is close to the shack, and the 80 mtr antenna is not the best and I need to improve it.  In the past I probably got by but with our very soggy, wet wx and who knows what else at the antenna, the problem showed up this week.
It did take a considerable effort for the MFJ 969 antenna tuner to get the SWR down and that raised hair on my neck, but in the fun of the contest .. I didn't pursue it further.
I've been an active ham since high school days back in 54 and one of the great things I've admired about our wonderful hobby is the helpful attitude and expertise of fellow hams who are quick to help out when problems arise, as you have .. and that this reflector is noted for.
Thanks to all .. now I've got to fix my antenna :-).  Happy New Year .. hope to catch ya all in a contest or two soon.
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