[WriteLog] CQ WW 160 CW exchange format

Steve Jackson kz1x at yahoo.com
Fri Jan 25 23:49:28 EST 2008

I was thinking about getting on for this contest.

The log exchange file format I have has a 'section' column instead of a 'state' column.  So, contacts with stations in Pennsylvania, Florida, and such show us as a <?> unless I fill in the ARRL section data for that station.  

Obviously, the log submission would need to have the state, not the section. 

I tried to edit the exchange format I do have, but, I was unsuccessful. 
I tried to add a field, but didn't do it right, and now I can delete it.  
The edit function only seems to let you add columns.

Any assistance would be helpful.

Steve KZ1X/4

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