[WriteLog] Troubling info - not specifically Writelog

Alfred Frugoli ke1fo at arrl.net
Thu Jul 3 12:45:09 EDT 2008

In response to:

1 - IMHO all Amateur Radio software/hardware interfacing is complex.  These
are not WriteLog issues, but rather have been caused by lack of support for
legacy devices in newer computers and OS, and are problems for other contest
software packages as well.

1A - there are lots of resources online for the problem you mention above.
Again, since they are not WriteLog problems, I dont' see why Wayne or Don
should address them in their documentation.  If you'd like to see a manual
about Writelog, that makes sense.  If you want a manual on how to interface
Writelog with your station - it does not exist, and probably never will (too
many variables to address in a manual).

2 - There are also lots of other ways to do even better stuff post-contest -
like with MS Excel or some of the "third party" after contest massagers.
Let's have our contest software run the contest and create the log (and do
that well i.e. not crashing).  If we want to massage the log to look at
stats, let's have a program that does specifically that.

3 - If you want the features of N1MM, or the ever changing nature of open
source software, or features of some other software package, switch and use
the software that has the features you want.  IMHO the best feature of
WriteLog is that I already know it, and things aren't changing all that
much.  I dont' contest enough to learn a whole new software package and I
dont' feel that my skill level/station setup would allow me to utilize all
of these bells and whistles that N1MM and other packages have implemented.
Could WriteLog use some updating and/or new features?  Sure.  It does work,
and works well, and there are some top scoring contesters who use it

In reality, the only ones of us who are "stuck" with WriteLog are those who
have built their stations around the MultiKeyer, as it is not supported by
other contesting software.  Otherwise, experiment away!


73 de Al, KE1FO

Visit my amateur radio contesting blog at ke1fo.wordpress.com.

On Thu, Jul 3, 2008 at 10:46 AM, Bill Parry <bparry at rgv.rr.com> wrote:

> I'm not sure now why I originally started this thread. As most of you have
> already mentioned, I like Writelog and use it for every contest. It just
> seems to me that we have been rocking along for a long time with no
> improvements of any substantial kind except the networking.
> As I think back over the last year or so of things that have popped up on
> this reflector or in my mind, it seems like there are ample opportunities
> to
> make the software better. My son is in the software business and I often
> rain on him about what I think about software these days. (Not specifically
> Writelog.)
> I think that Number 1 is the set up complexity. It seems to me that you
> have
> to be pretty knowledgeable about computers to set up the software in the
> computer and setup for a contest. Lots of people have commented about
> problems they have had in installing the software. You have to know about
> comports, LPT ports, USB ports. You have to know how to install comports or
> make virtual ones in some cases. Most of us can't use our computers to send
> CW and so we need to buy an external keyer. It is hard to set up for a
> contest that has a complex exchange (like SS) without a lot of trial an
> error (at least for me).
> Number 1A. (Because it is related to number 1 - Instructions. (Or lack
> thereof.) I think that there needs to be an instruction manual or all
> software.  Done give me these help files please! I don't mind downloading
> and printing it out but there needs to be a manual of how to use the
> software. Even if you have the best software, it is not very good if the
> folks take months to figure it out on the internet.
> A second possibility would be to make the software so transparent that you
> don't need manual. None that I have seen fit this criteria.
> Number 2. The reports at the end of the contest. There are a number of
> reports that would be interesting. The competition seems to have made
> improvements in that area.
> Number 3... Some have been mentioned just recently so I won't rehash.
> Bill W5VX
> -----Original Message-----
> From: writelog-bounces at contesting.com
> [mailto:writelog-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Jerry Flanders
> Sent: Thursday, July 03, 2008 9:13 AM
> To: Dave Wilson; writelog at contesting.com
> Subject: Re: [WriteLog] Troubling info
> At 12:15 AM 7/3/2008, Dave Wilson wrote:
> >...I was a devoted WriteLog user until I went two radio.  The inability to
> >switch CW from one radio to the other without some external switching
> >device sent me looking for a better widget...
> Not sure I understand what the "switching" problem is, but I suspect
> that if each radio had its own computer it might work better for you.
> Lots of guys run multiple networked computers. There are minor
> problems with avoiding duplicate serial nrs and with keeping CQs
> synched at slow times if both stations are "run", but otherwise it is
> pretty smooth. Present cost of a simple computer to service the
> second station can be less than the hardware some guys put into these
> extra boxes.
> Also, the redundancy is nice - one complete station can fail and you
> are still chugging along at half speed.
> Jerry W4UK
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