[WriteLog] Band Summary Window

Guus Breur guus.breur at home.nl
Wed Mar 26 13:58:00 EDT 2008

Somewhat more information. I recreated the writelog.ini file this afternoon,
but that did not solve the problem either.
Could it be that I am missing a part of the program?

Hi Don,
Thanks reply. I am sure it is not a matter of setting up the (correct)
When I load a contest of last year, having the correct parameters, the
window is not functioning. There was no pronblem running that contest last
Also when I set up a new contest, it is not working.

I noticed this morning that the multipliers are showed, the 'create summary
reports' and 'create reports' are showing the correct information, and the
cabrillo file does indicate the correct claimed score.

In fact the only thing missing is the 'translation' to the band summary
window, only showing 000 and XXX.
For some reason the information is not shown there. It looks like the window
is frozen and not being refreshed.

Any advice?

Guus - PA3EB

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