[WriteLog] Question about CQWW RTTY Cabrillo Report

Garry Shapiro garry at ni6t.com
Sun Sep 28 22:15:47 EDT 2008

I am running ver.10.67b. At the conclusion of CQWW RTTY today, I 
attempted to define and send a Cabrillo report, but could find no way to 
notify that I was SOAB Assisted. I put a query out about this to NCCC. 
W6OAT said SOAB(A) would be found under the Category drop-down menu, at 
the end of the list of options, but on my screen the only choices under 
Category are

   * Singleop
   * Multiop
   * Checklog

That is, there is no SOAB(A).

There is a disconnect here---anyone know what it is? I am holding my 
submission because I want the correct entry class.

Garry, NI6T

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