[WriteLog] Tuning the Radio from the Keyboard

Norm Duxbury duxburyn at bellsouth.net
Sun Apr 12 09:00:06 PDT 2009

Sorry, Al, I was reading my email "from the bottom up," and saw your 
reference to the scrolling wheel after I sent my reply.

I replaced my laptop's wired mouse with a wireless one (with scroll wheel). 
It occupies a USB socket but is well worth the convenience.


Norm - W1MO

> Norm;
> Thanks.  Yes, I have used the scroll wheel before to move the  freq.
> However, I have an application where I want to use a laptop that  does not 
> have a
> mouse with scroll wheel.  Was hoping to find a keyboard  only solution.
> Perhaps, I'll just have to get an external mouse with a  scroll wheel for 
> the
> laptop.
> 73,
> AL, K0AD

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