[WriteLog] Rig Permanently Keyed by CAT

Arthur Bard arthur.bard at btinternet.com
Fri Aug 28 12:16:01 PDT 2009

I have a problem with WriteLog V10.72e.  I have been using WriteLog for sometime using COM1 CTS in to the Mic to key the Rig.

I now have a new toy.... Yaesu FT 990.  Unplugged the cable from COM1 to the Mic PTT connection and fitted a CAT cable from the Rig to COM1. Set Rttyrite port to None. In Rttyrite TNC Setup for MMTTY which comes up with a title bar of 'Setup Ver1.66G' the Tx Port is set as sound, the two options below are greyed out.  In the WriteLog window I have select Setup, Ports and against COM1 I have set Rig Type to Yaesu FT-990, Auto Baud, Poll is ticked, Comm PTT is set to Yes. No Rotator, 'All mode PTT on CW prot RST' is ticked but greyed out.  As soon as I click OK the Rig goes in to permanent TX, even with Rttyrite closed down. Even if I select a TU Type of Dumb Terminal in Rttyrite I still get the same problem.  While the Rig is in permanent TX mode the frequence next to the QSO entry line is updated from the Rig so the communication is ok.

The ROM version in the Rig is 1.3.

I use DXLab Suite for normal working with winwarbler using the MMTTY Engine and Commander and that works fine with the Rig.

Regards Arthur G1XKZ / GB50ATG

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